Monday, September 22, 2014

Halloween is coming

Who doesn't like Halloween? Spooky ghosts, pumpkins, black cats and of course this is what every child likes a most "trick or treating". Are you the mom who's doing a Halloween party? I did last year. Was so scary BOO!!!
I found some ideas and pictures on great for kids "spooky" party, maybe you can use them too.

Pumpkin Toss Game a lot of fun both for older and younger participants. You just need orange and black poster boards, cardboard box, black marker and small balls  

Another great idea for keeping kids busy and have more time for talk to      
other parents is prepare some crafts. This plate Witch looks so cute and easy to do so every child can do it.

Now after those cool activities is time for snacks.
I think kids gonna have enough sweets and candies so the healthy substitute is a good idea.

This vegetable skeleton looks delicious and is healthy

What do you thing about more good stuff on kids plates? Check this out 

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