Monday, September 29, 2014

Reasons why You should read to Your kids

Everyone knows that reading books develops a child's imagination, stimulates the brain, a positive effect on creativity and  releases hiding creative potential in a little child. While reading every one is inserted into the book, creates images of what you have read, your own world, starts the process of thinking. He/she wonders how something looks, moves to land of imagination. Reading to the child awakens in him curiosity, helps to understand each other, conduct of other people. It stimulates the development of speech, throughout toddlerhood and preschool, your child is learning critical language skills. By listening to you read your child is reinforcing the basic sounds that form language. When you spend time reading to toddlers, they will be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others. During story time, your child is gaining valuable communication skills.
In our family we read often cause we like it. It is very important to read and tell your child a variety of books: fairy tales, rhymes, stories. In this way, tamed to a book, maybe just be encouraged to nice, colorful illustrations and will start to read.

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